Boolean field not available as field value for visibility of a data group

I created a data group inside a sub page and wanted to hide some of the cards, based on a boolean field of the same collection. The boolean field is not available in the “Collection Field” dropdown (while other fields of that collection are available and are working correctly).
Please advise.
Many thanks in advance,

Hi @Matthias_F,

Welcome to the community.

As of now we don’t support the boolean fields in conditions to show hide. You can change it to Static Option such as Yes/No and then can try (its a work around which i can think of).


Thanks a lot for the fast answer and your suggestion! I will definitely use the workaround (already tried it). Please consider to add this item to the feature requests as this would simplify handling of filters.



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Sure @Matthias_F.

We already have this task in our roadmap and i am hoping it will be done soon.

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