Data not Displaying in both Preview and Live Environments

Hie Vishal

I have an issue of data not displaying yet twice or more times before, it had been displaying properly. Now it shows the loading icon then just goes blank.

in build mode

The Link

in Preview Mode


Hi @WillieMak,

Can you please send me the preview URL of this page?


Hie Vishal

Here is the url

This page is secured. Not able to check this.

My apologies @vishsahu. Coincidentally I secured it a few hours ago as I was testing something. I have made it public.

Sorry about that…

Greetings @vishsahu
My apologies for following up this issue now. its still not displaying. Please help with this…

Thank you


Can you please send me the URL of the page?

Greetings @vishsahu . Sorry for late response, I have been away for sometime.
Here is the page: DrapCode | Build Awesome Web Applications


Hi @WillieMak,

Can you please provide the preview URL of the page?


Hie @vishsahu
That’s what I wanted to do but after several attempts, i decided to share the builder link hoping it would somehow help. This is what I have been getting ever since I got back. “failed to publish the application”


Hie @vishsahu Thought this might help. Copied this link from the dialogue box. Not sure if it will open for you

@WillieMak Getting this message.

Hi @vishsahu
Yes. Same here. i am getting the same message because the application keeps saying “Failed to Publish the Application” like i showed in one of the screenshots above. Data not Displaying in both Preview and Live Environments - #10 by WillieMak
So I am failing to publish it. Been like this for some days now.

Hi @WillieMak,

Let me get this checked.

@alitanwir Can you please check this?


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@WillieMak : Can you see if your project has any blank page or snippet?


Hie @vishsahu
Sorry for the delayed response. i do not understand your question. Where exactly should I check. I think I have had such experiences before, where some elements do not display, but assumed it was my poor network

@vishsahu and @alitanwir

Thanks. its now publishing successfully. However, his is what I am getting on the page. Its loading continuously without displaying…

Thanks .

It may be sone data issue, Try placing the data group again.

And we fixed the issue yesterday due to which you were not able to publish.

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@vishsahu. Thought so too. Been doing that right now, after having tried everything else including adding the datagroup etc with no joy. Now I am deleting everything and starting afresh. Will also be adding the data from a form rather than doing the same directly in the database. Looks like adding data directly from the database because I have just used the same approach on another page and its displaying data. Will update…


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Sure @WillieMak. Thanks.