Getting entangled with Filters

Hie All

I am setting up an internal messaging feature which needs dozens of filters to function well. I have two other collections, besides the User collection (the chat collection and the message collection (the message collection is a child of the chat collection).
Now I a trying to filter chats that are displayed in a data group to those chats that contain the current logged in user. The chats collection is as follows

and the Message collection has the following fields

Now, when I try to set up the filter for chats that contain the current logged in user, I am failing to get the dropdown fields I need to do so. Maybe its the way I have set up my collections that is not giving me the right options. Any help will be appreciated

Thank you


Hi @WillieMak

I don’t think you need 2 collections for Chat (until they are 2 different things).

You can just filter the items on the basis of current loggedIn user via filters and then bind the filter in the data group or the select component for dropdown fields.


Hi @vishsahu

I am not sure if I have understood what you have explained although I will try it. Quite honestly I am struggling on how I should structure the database because I want to setup a full chat and messaging feature. I have been at it for weeks.
This is how the main page currently looks

I am also hoping to be attaching photos, files and audios as well.


Let me check in the team is anyone has built like this before, then we can help you with the collections/fields. I am sure we have done something like this in the past.

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Thank you very much @vishsahu .