[Solved] How to get the ID of a specific data in the collection

I have a database called “Postleitzahl” (Postal Code). It contains various countries with their postal codes, the number of days for delivery, and information about express and premium shipping.

Additionally, I have another database that contains country codes.

My goal is to query the data in my “Postleitzahl” database using a dropdown menu (which gets the country codes from the second database) and an input field for the postal code.

Here’s the process:

  1. Dropdown Menu: The user selects a country from the list.
  2. Input Field: The user enters a postal code.

Then, the following should happen:

  • The database is checked in the column of the selected country.
  • It is verified whether the entered postal code exists in that column.
  • If the postal code exists, the ID of the postal code in the database is determined.
  • This ID is then used to filter the delivery duration (number of days) in the next step.
  • The desired data is then output in an input field. For example, entering IT - 1050 would show the shipping duration in days in the input field.

How can I implement this using Drapcode?

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Hi @morgen_Muesli,

Thanks for your question.

We do have cascading or dependent dropdown (country/state/city) types combination and we also have feature to fill the form values depending on the value selected in the dropdown. So i think combination of both should work in your use case. Only issue could be that they work on the same collection, so the country, postal codes and deliver duration, etc needs to be in the same collection

Please take a look and let me know if this works for you.


This don’t work for me. Found an other solution, thanks.

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Cool. Good to know that you found something for your use case.