[Solved] Segregation Chatroom or Portal Chat between two Users

Hie @vishsahu

I am trying to setup an interaction system where users can temporarily move away from the chatroom conversation or answers to a question, but maintaining the link to the relevant question or chatroom… What I need is how to create a filter that can isolate an interaction to be between two users and a filter that isolates conversations initiated in different portals or on different products. I need to isolate one who created the conversation and the recipient and maintain this until the subject is exhausted and not be linked to another conversation on a totally different subject. I am not opting for the messaging feature because it would mix subjects in a conversation between two users, unless there is a setting that can isolate conversations between the same users.
Having different portals, e.g. if users interact in the farm machinery portal, their conversation in the farmer training portal should not be a continuation of their farm machinery conversation, otherwise the conversation will be difficult to track and becomes very long very quickly. If you get what I mean.



Hi @WillieMak,

I don’t think i am fully able to understand your flow, but the way you have mentioned that you need user to create seprate channels/conversation for each portal, then i don’t think that can be done.

Our chat/messaging feature is in very early stages as of now so this level of complexity may not be possible.


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Hie @vishsahu

Thank for you response. I understand.

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