The Messaging Plugin Extend of functionality

Dear Vishal

Thank you for the messaging Plugin. I was really waiting for something like this. I have been watching the video and what I am failing to get is, “Can I set up the messaging feature for my users to chat among each other or its only me who can chat with any user I want to have a chat with but they (users) can not chat among themselves; or can they?”
Would like to know how I can set this up if it’s possible.



Hi Willie,

Anyone can chat with anyone. You just need to bind the correct filter so that you can control the list of users who the other users will see in the dropdown.

Once they have the users list, then anyone can talk to anyone.


Thanks Vishal

That’s awesome. To imagine I spent almost 2 months trying to build my own in-app messaging feature.
I am still not clear. The two filters are “All Items” and “All Items created by the current logged in user”. So when I select All items created by the current logged in user, will the logged in user be able to see messages sent to them, because they didn’t create them?
and if I set “All Items” what extra data does the currently logged in user see that is filtered out by the other filter. What is being filtered. The saved users or the saved users and the messages? Hope my question is clear.
I am trying to set up a flow that allows a user to automatically send a message to another user at a click of a button. I have set a popup (where I have placed the messaging feature) to appear. But what is missing is the ability to automatically place the recipient in the popup. If your can see where I am coming from. If someone wants to inquire about a product or accommodation, I have put a button that shows the messaging popup but the user has to search for the person they are sending the message to, meaning the seller’s name has to be visible somewhere on the product for the buyer to search for it. Which may not be the best setup for security/ privacy reasons.
Am I correctly setting up the messaging feature or there’s a better way



Hie Vishal

I have also been trying a few set-ups and I am not quite sure what I might be doing wrong because I am not getting the same outpput as was shown in the Drapcode video. I tried two options.
one of putting the message functionality on a page.
like this

The button on top of the message snippet is to open a popup
This popup

Looks like this in preview and is not allowing me to start any message.

Meanwhile on the page, I have been able to start a conversation but cannot add new conversations or even add users to the existing conversation. not sure what i am doing wrong.

Thank You

Hi @WillieMak,

It will not work on Modal Popup or Subpage as we have just released this feature and it is in quite early stage.

Can you please send me the link of the page where you have installed this component, so that we can check and let you know the issue.


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Let me do that right away. Thanks